New Prague City Council ponders future of parks

The New Prague City Council at its Monday, March 18, meeting received an update on its community recreation in the form of how many parks it has, what condition they are in and what to do next.
“We have not put any cost to this,” said John McNamara of Wold Architects, who presented the update. He added the firm wanted to find out from the city how it wanted to proceed with community recreation needs.
McNamara listed the 10 parks in his presentation, Memorial Park, Northside Park, Foundry Hill Park, Southside Park, Phillip’s Park, Heritage Park, Yackly Cabin Park, Sliding Hill Skate Park, Settlers Park and the community center. The update included a study of each park and what they have to offer in the form of baseball/softball fields, restrooms, park shelters, basketball courts and other amenities.
(For the complete story, see the March 28 print edition of The New Prague Times.)